Uno Corp International - The Online Business for Global Pinoys

Online Business for Pinoys

Making money online has never been this easy for Pinoys!

UNO is an international business for the global Pinoy. Aimed at empowering the Filipino for individual success, UNO's dynamic business model allows you to be located anywhere in the globe and still make money. So if you're a Pinoy WORKING ABROAD and are on the lookout for creative means to earn money online, UNO is just what you've been looking for.

Check out these real-life testimonies of global Pinoys who have already had financial success with UNO:

Will this work for me?

UNO products
UNO provides health and beauty products, also called Wellness products.

They say health is wealth... and indeed it is. With sales reaching up to $500 Billion in the U.S. ASIA, the health and wellness industry is a gold mine of financial opportunities. (Within this figure, the industry experienced around $300 billion growth in just five years). This trend will continue in the coming years, and is believed to surpass the sales of the $1 trillion auto industry as well as the $1 trillion PC boom.

It makes sense: Health is indeed wealth.

Nevermore has the world needed the offerings of the health and wellness industry. With such current problems as obesity, lack of nutrition and premature aging, it's no wonder people are always on the lookout for products and services that will help them achieve a healthy lifestyle. This incredible demand from has inevitably sparked what's now know as the Wellness Revolution, a dynamic industry that brings with it business and income opportunities
while providing people with the health and wellness benefits they seek.

Next: What is UNO?